Wavefront Sensor Analysis Software for the MMTO (mmtwfs)



mmtwfs works only with astropy version 3.0 or later and python 3.6 or later.

The mmtwfs package provides:

  • A telescope class, MMT, that encompasses the MMT’s telescope and primary mirror system configuration and functionality.

  • A secondary class, Secondary, that encompasses secondary mirror system configuration and functionality.

  • A WFS class, WFS, that encompasses wavefront sensor configuration, functionality, wavefront analysis, and calculation of corrections to be applied.

  • A factory method, WFSFactory(), that builds and configures a subclass of WFS based on passed keyword arguments and configuration data.

  • A set of functions that perform the image analysis of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor frames required to measure motions of the spot positions and convert these motions into wavefront slopes.

  • A set of functions for manipulating Zernike polynomials and fitting them to wavefront slopes.

  • A class, ZernikeVector, to help facilitate the manipulation and visualization of sets of Zernike polynomial coefficients.

Getting Started

A WFS object can be created using the WFSFactory() method. The wfs keyword is used to specify which WFS subclass to construct. The default configuration for each supported WFS is defined in mmtwfs_config:

>>> from mmtwfs.wfs import WFSFactory
>>> bino_wfs = WFSFactory(wfs="binospec")

To analyze a Shack-Hartmann image taken by the wavefront sensor and measure the wavefront slopes, use the measure_slopes() method:

>>> from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename as get_file
>>> wfsfile = get_file('data/test_data/wfs_ff_cal_img_2017.1113.111402.fits', package='mmtwfs')
>>> slope_results = bino_wfs.measure_slopes(wfsfile)

To fit a model to these slopes, pass slope_results to the fit_wavefront() method:

>>> wavefront_results = bino_wfs.fit_wavefront(slope_results)

Using mmtwfs